Танелорн Рассказы издалекаМузыка и песниFurva Ambiguitas ▶ "The Only Night"
Furva Ambiguitas

The Only Night    mp3

Furva Ambiguitas: At the Bottom of the River, 2007

Silence is desirable like the bowels of the mistrial black Earth.
The Black Earth covers with a bloody fire.
Someone suffers from a pain;
he wanders to find the gate in your kingdom!
Oh, my Dark Queen!

And only night!

And the width of the white river
is an old changeableness of a boundless abyss.

Open your eyes and favor him with death and peace,
favor him with your cold look.
He has damned everyday's life in honor of an eternal night.
Where time is dying,
life is grown hateful,
the Cerberus of chaos are wailing!
Oh, my Dark Queen!

Emptiness and silence are dreams of irrationality,
But the incarnation is close. The real meaning in it — to DIE.

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