Танелорн Рассказы издалекаМузыка и песниDomineChampion Eternal, 1997 г. ▶ "Army Of The Dead"

Army Of The Dead    mp3

Domine: Champion Eternal, 1997

I. The Vision And The Promise

In the city of immortals
a scream broke the silence
it was a seer and he saw in his dreams
his beloved city of eternal life
collapsing around him
and its people trodden by
a mighty army
The mad seer retold his vision
to the king
so they gathered the mightiest
warriors across the land
they promised them entrance
in their eternal city
in exchange that they turned back
the vision of the...

Army of the dead
Army of the dead
Army of the dead
Army of the dead

II. Promise Denied

As the wizard summons ancient
powers commanding thunders
and lightning the swords of the warriors
on the battleground are shining
in the sun
soon the battle rages
on weapons are drawn in anger
the warcries echo throughout
the field
the invaders meet their doom

But the king and the seer betrayed
the warriors
and the armguard was hidden
beyond the gates
a cloud of arrows obscured
the sun as they entered the city
the promise of immortality
has been denied

III. Prophecy Fullfilled

Sun shines the morning brings
new life
a new day of hope and happiness
yesterday is far away and years
go by, fear goes away
life goes on inside the city
and peace will last for eternity

But rising from the earth came
the true vision
the mad seer had seen so long ago
prophecy fullfilled:
The army of the dead

IV. Army Of The Dead

Holy gift a ritual
of seer destruction
hunting their prey,
cruel in their desire
for vengeance
the dead warriors rise
from their graves
take what was promised
then was denied:
the gift of immortality

V. Doomed City

and the sentence must be passed
curse are your vicious lies
in ashes the Eternal City
must fall
so let the truth be told
the Ivory towers
are crumbling down
the Golden doors crushed
to the ground
once a great City of Immortal
is now the city of the...

Army of the dead
Army of the dead
Army of the dead
Army of the dead

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