Танелорн Рассказы издалекаМузыка и песниDomineChampion Eternal, 1997 г. ▶ "The Chronicles of The Black Sword"

The Chronicles of The Black Sword    mp3

Domine: Champion Eternal, 1997

I. Doomed Lord Dreaming


II. Stormbringer (The Black Sword)

This is the tale of Elric
before he was called womanslayer
before the final collapse of Melnibone
this is the tale of the two Black Swords

Mighty Elric,
mightier Sword Sorcerer and swordman
slayer of kin
Lord of the dying race,
king of ruins
Dragon master
Champion of Doom

Ymrrir the Dreaming city
Yrkoon, the hated usurper
Cymoril the beloved
all had fallen to the fury nad
unholy power of the albino prince
and his terrible Sword

Stormbringer, balck runesword
battle thirsty prince
blood-hungry sword Stormbringer,
sing a song of victory
and as i hold you in my hand
you drink the souls of all my enemies
my enemies,
oh drink the souls of all my enemies

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