Танелорн Рассказы издалекаМузыка и песниDomineAncient Spirit Rising, 2007 г. ▶ "Stand Alone (After The Fall)"

Stand Alone (After The Fall)    mp3

Domine: Ancient Spirit Rising, 2007

I am the one and only man
who can lead you to the secret gates
I know the way to burn them down
With my return I will bring doom to them all

A Dreaming City ruled the world,
arrogant men acting like gods
They played with life and death
for ten thousand years
A court of ghosts in marble halls dance
at the sound of death's call
In mind and spirit they're already dead

And so I take my life in my hands,
make my own decision
I will embrace my Fate
So I stand

I stand — I stand over my fears
I stand — Wipe away all my tears
I stand — for what is right to be done
After the fall — I stand alone

I am the one and only man
who can lead you to the secret gates
This game of pride has gone too far,
I lived my life as an outcast

And so I took my life in my hands,
made my own decision
did what was right to be done
My Fate fell upon me but now I rule my destiny
As King of Ruins at last
I stand

I stand — I stand over my fears
I stand — Wipe away all my tears
I stand — for what is right to be done
After the fall — I stand alone

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