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Defenders Of Tanelorn

Defenders Of Tanelorn    mp3

Сл. Icewinds, муз. Darkstorm

Defenders Of Tanelorn: Defenders Of Tanelorn, 2003

Blaze gently sails across the green valley
But grim are the skies upon us,
Once more arose the darkness to consume our lands,
Countless minions approach our fortress and their black armor glitters...

Grim clouds wander the skies
Last breath of sunrise dies
Dawn brings chill and dismay
Its time to rise or to fade away
White burg surrounded by dark
Blades shine and thrust for blood
Long gaze, stare at your foe —
Dark clad armies are ready to go
Rise for more, heroes of dawn

First strike shakes up the gates
Black shroud falls on our fates
Swords clash and up fly the sparks
Proud white banner surrounded by dark
Cold blaze whispers our names
With force shout out your pain
Run straight into the storm
Final resistance of flames unborn...
Blades of old, blister once more!

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